Measure and evaluation instrument results of IME program by SDC
BRULZ has been engaged to measure and evaluate the results of the pay-for-performance (P4P) component of the Increasing Market Employability (IME) program, for the period from January to June 2021. This was done through individual in-depth interview with companies in 3 sub-sectors: Sustainable Agribusiness, Adventure Tourism and ICT.Â
This included a desk review, conducting interviews with selected consultants delivering P4P services,  in-depth interviews withÂbeneficiary companies (50+). Beneficiary companies covered included supported companies that received access to finance support by P4P consultants, as well as companies that received certifications with IME project support. Review of indicators of the component based on the interview vis a vis qualitative and quantitative indicators.
Data collection Analysis and Research for Pay for Performance (P4P) Instrument of the Increase Market Employability (IME) program
Increasing Market Employability (IME) is a program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, implemented by Palladium. The IME program works on strengthening the business sector in Macedonia, improving the quality of products and services offered, expanding markets and creating an enabling environment in three selected sectors: Sustainable Agriculture, Adventure Tourism, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).